Redeeming the Master Bedroom Part 2, PLUS a FREE GIFT!

I’m supposed to be talking about choosing a color for the master bedroom, but I WANT to talk about other things concerning the master bedroom, so bear with me while I intertwine my assigned topic with what I really want to say.

This should be interesting.

When I started this decorating series, I began in the kitchen because the kitchen is the heart of the home where ministry pours out to family and neighbors. It’s the pulse, the hub, and the room that can reach ANYONE regardless of the state of the marriage. The kitchen is KEY in making a house a home.

But then I have moved directly to the master bedroom because, I have experienced first hand that the stronger the marriage bond, the stronger the family. Too many times the master bedroom gets pushed to the bottom of the list in decorating and activity. It is used to store stacks of books, office supplies and piles of clothes, rather than treated as a place to promote oneness, unity, and private fun between a husband and wife.

The master bedroom usually finds its modern day owners bone weary and sleep deprived…Leftovers and hand-me-downs in the bedroom for the king and queen of the house.

Not. Good.

The marriage act is the main ingredient that sets a married couple apart. Read the rest of the story HERE.

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