A Treasured Pile of Poo!

Many of you know that my honey is a dentist. He happens to be the best dentist in the world, which keeps patients coming back. Well, because our practice never lacks for business, I RARELY call my honey during the day, so as not to bother him. But it took me a while to come to this conclusion.
For years I would call my dentist-husband at work to find out what he wanted for dinner, or ask him to please pick up the dry-cleaning, or to remind him about baseball. He would always excuse himself from his patient, de-glove and take my calls.
Over and over he let me interrupt him with trivial, I just want to hear your voice calls. I NEVER knew I was interrupting him. I always assumed he just happened to be in-between patients.
I can be a little …duh…sometimes.
For years he juggled my whims throughout the workday, then one evening he casually mentioned that he preferred texting because he could read my texts upside down, while his phone is clipped to his belt without ungloving, unmasking and taking off his surgical bib!
Read the rest of the story HERE.