Soul Shaping Moment 13-- Dinnertime

Dinner around the dining room table with my favorite people in the world is the most cherished part of my day. It would be easier to let everyone ‘eat from the pot’ on the stovetop, but assembling around the table guarantees face time between each of the busy family members.

We take turns talking. Listening to each person--We value each one’s input--Validate new ideas--Encourage budding dreams—Comfort dragging souls.

I love dinnertime.

Photo credit goes to Out of Sync Life
It provides so much more than bodily nourishment. Dinnertime glues our family together in a sweet daily ritual of gathering around food to fill our bellies. It is during this time that each person shares a high and a low for the day. Confessing lows exposes hurts that could have easily been overlooked and offers a reminder for Dad or me to address the issue later in a private place to help with the healing. 

Naming the highs invites each family member to celebrate another’s joy and excitement.

This sweet time knits us together not only as a family, but as a group of people who care about each other--A family with tight friendships.

Soul Shaping Challenge: Sit down to dinner with your family, even if there are only 2 of you in your family. Turn off the TV. Put down your cell phone. Talk about the highs and lows of your day. This creates unity and shows selflessness.