Whew! That was a close one! My oldest turned 19 last week, and he requested to see at least one of us for his birthday, so we made plans to send, Grey, his younger brother to Tennessee for a visit. Today was the big day the boys have been anticipating! I watched Grey check his bag and get his ticket at Southwest then, since I could go no further, I left the airport s l o w y in case I needed to turn around and help him with anything. “Grey, call me if you have any type of problem. OK?”
He beamed confidence. I wore courage!
(In the car at the airport)
My phone never rang, so I imagined that all was well. Like all good home school moms out on an errand with only one little one, I concocted a reason to stop at Super Target for a Starbucks drink and some “needed items.” While I was checking out, I pulled my phone out of my purse and noticed that I had missed Grey’s call! “Shucks!”
(Why is it that my cell always defaults to silence and my kids always default to LOUD?)
“Grey!!? I am so sorry! Did you need me? I missed your call! It was my phone’s fault!!”
“Mom! The man at security almost didn’t let me through because I didn’t have a picture I.D. even though as a minor I don’t need one!”
“Good grief! What happened?”
“Out of the blue, a lady, I guess his boss, walked up while we were having our discussion and told him that after he checked me through security, he could go on a break! Needless to say, he waved me past and took a break,” Grey laughed.
“Whew! Let’s hope and pray the security guard on the way home knows the law! Jesus came to your rescue on that one!”