Soul Shaping Moment 15- Cleaning the Kitchen

Dinner is over. The table is cleared, but the pile of dishes in the kitchen is stacked halfway to the ceiling teetering back and forth. The boys did a good job bussing the dishes from the table to the sink... But now who gets the honor of cleaning the mountain of glass and pottery?

The girls and I take turns.

A chart hangs on the refrigerator that break down the cleaning of the kitchen into three parts. 

1) Dishes 

2) Counters 

3) Floors

Photo Credit Goes to: Bigmamalisa
The oldest girls and I rotate on this list. Why not the older guys? We've come to a happy compromise: the boys take care of the trash inside and out, and we girls happily scrub the dishes. 

The boys don't mind the  HOT, sticky feeling their chores bring--they're full of testosterone. 

We girls melt easily. 

So bubbles and and suds it is for us girls. And when the monstrous tower of leaning glass feels overwhelming, we remember that family is a blessing and we thank the Lord for each person that dirtied a plate at our table. 

Soul Shaping Challenge: Create a balanced, color coded cleaning chart for the kitchen. It will clear the air of any arguing over this chore and your children will learn to be orderly in the daily things of life.