Thank You! I Think?

This past weekend we had the privilege of being openly slandered by a liberal group dressed in conservative’s clothing. Lacking all originality this group takes on the appearance of a well respected, well known PAC called “Texans for Fiscal Responsibility.” The founder, Michael Q. Sullivan has built a name for himself, is reliable and has a huge following. Since Texas is predominately conservative, the liberal PAC group plays on Sullivan’s name calling themselves “Texans for Fiscal Accountability.” Even I did not catch the difference upon first glance. This group handpicks conservative candidates across Texas, making up lies and false allegations. Their mass mail outs are strategically timed days before the election and alarming enough to shake up a ready voter.

If you are truly looking for a conservative to represent you in Austin, whatever district you live in, Texans for Fiscal Accountability’s slanderous mailer should point in to your candidate. Sad but true…

My incredible, godly, amazing husband and our precious 3-year-old

Be sure to tell your grandmother and your elderly neighbors about this group. Tomorrow I will tell you what I have learned about voter guides and how to choose one. Stay tuned. ~ Terri