I blinked and my oldest son grew up. To think that nineteen years ago today I held him in my arms for the first time is astounding. Nineteen years ago it was as if we had all the time in the world to do all the activities we wanted to do with him, now he is in college in another state and those years are G O N E. This morning on his birthday, I wondered what he thought about his years at home…What his perspective was.
In our conversation, he mentioned how he greatly missed his traditional birthday breakfast this morning, which made my heart smile deep within, because I MISSED DOING IT FOR HIM! Traditionally we start the day out with a BIG CELEBRATION at breakfast for the birthday boy/girl. This involves many different breakfast foods: cereal, waffles, bacon, eggs, biscuits, orange juice, milk and hot chocolate. The rest of the family stays up late and decorates the table to look like a party, and we lay out the cards and gifts on the chair and plate of the birthday family member. Ethan said that he never really appreciated getting up early for that much fun, but now it is the event he missed the most today.
Now that Ethan lives away from home, the house is significantly quieter. Yes, we still have all the other kids, but Ethan was a party on two feet throughout his teen years. He loves people, has ALWAYS LOVED PEOPLE and, he has never met a stranger. In turn, our family has met A LOT of them! We have hosted a string of families in our home that have become dear to us because of his gregarious personality. I can’t count how many times I have heard, “Mom, I met a really great friend and his mom and siblings need a place to stay during the next debate tournament, so I gave them your number!" His dad and I learned that he has good taste in people and we are thankful for all the wonderful friends we have met through him.
Today I especially miss my first born, but I am so thankful for everything God is doing in and through his life. He is a blessing to us and to so many other people.
We love you, Ethan!! Happy 19th Birthday!!